Native American Studies Symposium
Intersections: Place/Policy & Culture/Capitalism
A Native American Studies Symposium
April 5th & 6th 2018
This symposium, organized around the broad themes of place, policy, capitalism, and culture, is meant to evoke current directions in the field of Native American and Indigenous Studies. The purpose of this symposium, the first of its kind at the University of Virginia, is to bring together leading scholars across disciplines to share their current research, to begin a fruitful dialog among scholars and attendees, and to introduce the rich field of Native American and Indigenous Studies to the University of Virginia and the Charlottesville community. Therefore, students, faculty, staff, community members, and tribal members are welcome to attend and participate in discussion.
Intersections: Place/Policy & Culture/Capitalism arrives on Grounds during a time of continued critical discussions on race, history, monuments, and memorialization after the events of August 2017, moving beyond the black-white binary. More, just weeks ago in an historic event, six Virginia Indian tribes received federal recognition when the president signed legislation that has passed both houses of Congress. Therefore, the aim of this symposium - to initiate conversation about a range of concepts, questions, and critical practices in the field that are often separated by disciplinary boundaries and institutional divisions becomes increasingly valuable, relevant, and timely.
Friday, April 6th, Harrison Small Auditorium
- 9:00am: Coffee and Pastries
- 9:15-10:45 Panel Two: Native Economies (Friday, April 6th @ 9:15am)
- Brian Hosmer, University of Tulsa, Native Americans and Marketplaces: What have we learned? Why does it matter?
- William Bauer (Wailacki and Concow of the Round Valley Indian Tribes), University of Nevada Las Vegas, Emancipating and Freeing Indians: American Indians, Sovereignty, and American Capitalism from the Gold Rush to Trump
- Jessica Cattelino, University of California Las Angeles, High-stakes Gaming at (Nearly) 40: State of the Field
- Doug Miller, Oklahoma State University, “I Can Learn Any Kind of Work”: Native American Urbanization and Labor in the Twentieth Century
- 10:45-11:00: Break
- 11:00-12:00: Panel Three: Native Representations (Friday, April 6th @ 11:00am)
- Jean O’Brien (White Earth Ojibwe), University of Minnesota, Indigenous Public Intellectuals versus PBS’s “Colonial House”: A Reckoning
- Lisa Blee, Wake Forest University, Memory Constructions and Narrative Disruptions on Plymouth’s Waterfront
- Coll Thrush, University of British Columbia, Indigenous Futures and Pasts at the Heart of Empire: Notes from Indigenous London
- 12:00-1:30: Lunch
- 1:30-3:00: Panel Four: Native Policies (Friday, April 6th @ 1:30pm)
- Jody TallBear (Dakota/Arapaho), Attorney, Tribal Policy Advocacy Within a Federal Agency
- Heidi Stark (Turtle Mountain Ojibwe), University of Victoria, Contested Consent and the Divesture of Indigenous Peoples of Their Land and Sovereignty
- J. Kēhaulani Kauanui (Kanaka Maoli), Wesleyan University, Rules of Recognition and the Contested Politics of Hawaiian Sovereignty
- Kasey Keeler (Tuolumne Me-Wuk/Citizen Potawatomi), University of Virginia, The Snyder Act and the Federal Housing Administration: Federal Responsibilities
- 3:00-3:30: Break
- 3:30-4:45: Keynote by Robert Warrior (Osage), University of Kansas
Contact Kasey Keeler for more information: